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Alejandra Zuñiga

5 reasons your toddler is not sleeping (and how to fix it)

Transitions in sleep routines can be challenging for toddlers, often leading to bedtime battles, nighttime wake-ups, and overtiredness. Understanding the reasons behind your toddler's difficulty with sleep transitions is key to finding effective solutions. In this article, we will explore five common reasons why toddlers struggle with sleep transitions and provide practical strategies on how to fix toddler sleep and help them adjust and establish healthier sleep habits.

1. Lack of Consistency:

Toddlers thrive on routine and predictability, so any disruption to their established sleep routine can lead to resistance and sleep difficulties. A sudden change in bedtime, nap schedule, or sleep environment can make it challenging for your toddler to adjust. To ease the transition, ensure you provide a consistent sleep schedule, with consistent nap times and a regular bedtime routine. Consistency helps signal to your child's body and mind that it's time to wind down and sleep.


Gradually adjust the sleep routine by shifting bedtime or naptime in small increments over several days. This gradual approach allows your toddler to adapt without feeling overwhelmed.

2. Fear of the Unknown:

Sleep transitions often involve changes such as moving from a crib to a bed or transitioning from a family bed to sleeping alone. These changes can trigger anxiety and fear of the unknown in toddlers, making it challenging for them to settle into their new sleep arrangement.


Introduce the new sleep environment gradually. Allow your toddler to spend some playtime in their new bed or room during the day. Create a positive association with the new sleep space by engaging in fun activities or reading bedtime stories in the new setting. Reassure your child that they are safe and provide comfort items such as a favorite stuffed animal or blanket.

3. Overstimulation Before Bed:

Toddlers are easily stimulated by their surroundings, and engaging in stimulating activities or exposure to screens close to bedtime can interfere with their ability to wind down and relax. Bright lights, loud noises, and screen time can disrupt their natural sleep-wake cycle, making it harder for them to transition to sleep.


Establish a calming bedtime routine that starts 30 to 60 minutes before sleep. Dim the lights, lower the noise level, and engage in quiet, soothing activities such as reading books, listening to soft music, or taking a warm bath. Avoid screen time at least one hour before bed as the blue light emitted by screens can interfere with the production of sleep-inducing hormones.

4. Lack of Daytime Physical Activity:

Insufficient physical activity during the day can lead to excess energy in toddlers, making it difficult for them to settle down at bedtime. Without proper outlets for their energy, they may resist sleep or experience restlessness during the night.


Ensure your toddler has ample opportunities for physical activity during the day. Engage in active play, take trips to the park, or enroll them in age-appropriate physical activities. Regular exercise can promote better sleep quality and help your toddler expend energy before bedtime.

5. Separation Anxiety:

Toddlers often experience separation anxiety, especially during periods of transition. Moving from a parent's room to their own or adjusting to a new sleep arrangement can trigger anxiety and result in sleep disturbances.


Offer reassurance and create a secure sleep environment. Spend extra time with your toddler during the bedtime routine, engaging in calming activities like cuddling or reading together. Consider using a nightlight or leaving their bedroom door slightly open to alleviate any fear of the dark. Gradual separation techniques, such as sitting next to their bed until they fall asleep and gradually moving farther away over time, can also help ease separation anxiety.

Sleep transitions can be challenging for toddlers, but understanding the reasons behind their resistance is the first step towards finding effective solutions. By providing consistency, addressing fears and anxiety, promoting a calming bedtime routine, ensuring sufficient physical activity, and offering reassurance, you can help your toddler adjust to sleep transitions and establish healthier sleep habits. Remember, patience and understanding are essential as your toddler adapts to new routines, and with time and consistency, better sleep habits will be within reach.



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